Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ABC finally

Here are some links to the short but sweet ABC special with our son




Monday, November 3, 2014

The Journey of another kind

The truck was loaded and ready to go.  One lucky young man had parents who quickly sold their house and were downsizing so he got to have a few extra things for his very first apartment waiting for him on the other side.  We set out for our journey heading East.  Just mother and son and CAT!  Yes, he took his beloved cat Gracie to help keep him company in his new home.

Each leg of the trip met with laughs, memories and bonding like no other.  We drove 6-8 hrs a day as we worked our way closer to the destination.

Months before Max was accepted into the college of his choice and only college he applied to, in Chicago.  Armed with a lovely gift scholarship from a PFLAG donor, and a financial gift from mom and dad, he was ready to start this next chapter.

His eyes widened as we entered the city.  His dream to live in a big city was coming true.  The truck barely fit into the alleyway as we unloaded his belongings into his quaint little studio apartment.  Gracie unsure what is happening to her.  They are HOME!

I stay a week to help get him settle and hug him goodbye, for now, as I watch my little boy become a man!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I think the most amazing part about graduation day was hearing HIS name!  Validation at it's finest that he IS Max Andrew.  Now on to regular things in life.  He's still in a fog, feeling surreal about being a graduate and never having to return to High School again.   Off to his new beginning in August.  Chicago!  What a trip!

In the meantime, we move forward here.  Trip to Michigan planned first, then the lucky dog gets to go to Cedar Point!!  When he returns it's his 18th birthday.

ABC Nightline came out one last time.  Juju Chang was amazingly comforting and "normal" down to earth kind of gal.  I really think if she and the Producer have any pull at all this story will FINALLY get shown.  It will start with his name change in May of 2011 and end with Graduation May 2014.

We got to meet with his elementary school counselor.  She really was a lifesaver for Max, always making him feel like he wasn't a freak, and validating him all along.  She told him all would turn out ok and during our filming she got to see that first hand!

All is Alright!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Senior year

I can't believe is flying so fast, this last year at home with my last child to leave the nest.  He's really come a long way.  Enjoy some senior photos.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Workplace ignorance

I'm very open about my story to everyone at work, and am available for questions at anytime.  Yesterday this conversation happened around me.  All parties are well aware of my son, and my support of him.  All parties were aware I could hear this conversation, but since I literally had tears in my eyes and sat in shock I just couldn't participate.  So I will share it here.  This makes me so angry.  So I work in a Neonatal Intensive Care unit and we have just passed Valentine's Day.  Someone had donated handmade VDay quilts for the babies.  One of the babies, "baby boy" had a pink blanket with hearts on it, covering his isolette.  One of the nurses commented that he was a BOY and shouldn't have a pink blanket.  Further sort of scolding the unknown person who placed it there.  The other gals had an all agreement this was an awful thing, but not bothered enough to get up to change it. One nurse said, "this kid is going to have gender identity issues", to which one of the other ones agreed "yes, yes he is".  Really, the ignorance goes so far as to think that an premature baby who has a pink blanket on his isolette can be somehow encouraged to be a GIRL.  This is one time, I wish I was better versed at the ability to come up with something intelligent to say.  But alas, I just get to complain later.  Big sigh!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Did I ever think my son would date?  Of course, I did. I think as a mother though, it's really hard to let this one go.  It's almost certain that with this new first love will come first heartbreak.  Although, this first DATE might not lead to his first love, it's still very hard to let it happen.  The boy seems nice.  Max lights up when he talks about him.  He's going to the boy's choir concert and then for coffee afterward.  The last of the nest is ready to fly away! 
